To expedite this process please submit all ads in electronic form. (175 line screen)
minimum 300 dpi
Bleed Specifications – Magazine trim size is 9” x 10.875” perfect bound. For full page bleed ads, allow for 3/16” trim on each edge. All type and images must allow a
minimum of 1/2” from actual trim size (1/4” each side).
Digital Materials – For ads supplied electronically, we accept Adobe Illustrator or
Photoshop format. All screen and printer fonts and original art files must
accompany ads submitted electronically. They must be accompanied by a contract
color proof. Be sure to include all fonts and images used in the advertisement. Only
Type 1 fonts are acceptable, no True Type fonts, do not stylize fonts. Convert all
RGB images to CMYK. Convert all colors to process unless PMS color is intended.
Please note: When using a solid black background in an ad, it is recommended that
the following CMYK combination be used in place of 100% black, to ensure color
richness: 40% cyan, 40% magenta, 40% yellow, 100% black.
PDF Files – PDF files must be created with Acrobat Distiller V4.0 or later giving a
PDF V1.3 file. (Do not use PDF V1.2 as there are problems with this early version.
Also, do not use PDF Writer as this program creates PDF files which embeds only
the low resolution images which are not acceptable for high resolution printing.) Be
sure to use Embed All Fonts when distilling but do not use font subsetting. This
causes problems if editing the PDF file. Using Type 1 screen and printer fonts will
help ensure your file prints as intended. True Type fonts are not recommended as
more problems occur with this type font.
Ads submitted on disk – Please supply all ads on CD or email. All ads should
match BEYOND HEALTH MAGAZINE measurements exactly, or they may be returned
to advertiser for correction of size. Changes made in-house to correct ad size will be
charged accordingly.
Ad design – We offer complete in-house production services to all our advertisers,
from design to color separations. If the advertiser supplies artwork or photographs,
we prefer color slides or transparencies for the highest-quality reproduction.
Supplied Inserts – Preprinted inserts accepted in units of two pages for all issues.
Rates, specifications and availabilities for standard and nonstandard supplied inserts,
including booklets and gatefolds, are available upon request. Space closing is four
weeks prior to issue date.
Insert cards accepted on a limited basis when accompanied by a minimum of one full
page of advertising. Rates and specifications available upon request. Space closing is
three weeks prior to issue date.
Ad Placement – Wherever possible, we will seek to meet your advertising position
preferences. We make every effort to implement a policy of fair rotation, thereby
assuring every advertiser of the opportunity to obtain especially favored positions.
Because BEYOND HEALTH MAGAZINE, as North Florida’s Premier Health Advisor, is
particularly sensitive to the appearance of conflict between editorial and advertising
content, we cannot guarantee compliance with every positioning request. Such a
policy further enhances the extraordinary reader confidence that BEYOND HEALTH
MAGAZINE commands, and we know that you will appreciate this standard. Any
conditions on contracts, orders or copy instructions involving the placement of
advertising within an issue of BEYOND HEALTH MAGAZINE. (such as page location,
competitive separation or placement facing editorial copy) will be treated as a
positioning request only. The publisher’s inability or failure to comply with any such
condition shall not relieve the agency and advertiser of the obligation to pay for the
Send all materials to:
Gumbs Media Group *P.O. Box 5147 || Jacksonville || Florida || 32247